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Questions to Ask at Your Annual Physical

When it comes to staying healthy, protect your well-being by practicing preventive care. This means paying attention to your health before problems develop. Annual physicals are a great way to take charge of your health.

Even if you exercise regularly, eat well, and have no known health conditions, you may develop illnesses due to family history, genetics, and your environment. An annual physical can help by identifying the early signs of disease before they progress into serious health problems. Diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension are just a few of the health conditions an annual physical can help identify.

At Health Solutions, our doctors are ready to help you take charge of your health. We’ve created this guide of questions you should be sure to ask during your next annual physical

1: Am I in optimum health?

During an annual physical, we check your vital signs to ensure that they are within normal healthy ranges. Additionally, we perform routine checks using tools such as otoscopes and stethoscopes to ensure your ears, eyes, nose, throat, heart, and lungs are functioning optimally. 

We also monitor your mobility by examining your muscles and joints. This may include a reflex test to ensure you are not experiencing any pain, stiffness, or joint aches. 

2: Does my medical or family history indicate any risks?

During your first physical with our office, it’s important to share a detailed medical history. This includes any genetic conditions, health concerns, allergies to food or medicine, or past surgeries you’ve had. 

We also take notes on your family’s medical history about health details for your parents, grandparents, and any other close family members. We want to ensure we have all the information so that we know what conditions to watch for. 

3: Am I living a healthy lifestyle? 

We also discuss your normal diet, amount of exercise, and lifestyle during your physical. It’s important to be as honest as possible so that we can provide you the best care. We might ask questions about your eating habits, activity levels, and whether you smoke, drink, or use recreational drugs. 

It’s important to note that you won’t be judged for these questions as our primary concern is making sure you are in the best health possible. 

4: Do I need any vaccines?

Vaccines are essential for keeping you and your family healthy by preventing life-threatening diseases. While you may have already had some vaccines in the past, you may be surprised to know that some vaccines need to be administered more than once to be effective. 

During an annual physical, we ensure you are up-to-date on all of your required vaccines. We also administer an annual flu shot to help keep you healthy during flu season. 

With our conveniently located offices in Munster, Indiana, and Tinley Park, Rockford, and Olympia Fields, Illinois, our team at Health Solutions is available for all your family medicine and primary care needs. Make an appointment using our online booking portal today and start your journey to great health.

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