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An Overview of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and its Benefits

When you don’t want to undergo a surgical treatment but want relief from the chronic pain in your neck, spine or knee joints, pain management doctors in Illinois may recommend you Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM). Best described as a ‘healing touch’, OMM provides patients  natural pain relief from a variety of conditions including, but not limited to, the following:

What is Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine?

So, if you’re wondering what exactly is OMM then let us tell you that it is a form of natural and manual medicine that involves a non-surgical and hands-on therapy. It is used to diagnose, as well as treat and even prevent the risk of injury or illness.

Also referred to as Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy, the osteopathic physician moves the patient’s joints and muscles to alleviate pain and increase function. This therapy addresses mechanical problems in the body that may arise due to joint or muscular dysfunction which may occur because of reasons like poor posture, overused muscles, and scar-tissue formation. Other reasons can be arthritis, poor posture when exercising, inflammation and strain.

The Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine targets fascia or connective tissues, joints, major groups of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Through OMM, patients can better move their muscles, experience pain relief, see improvement in their movement and the range of motion, and even breathe better. For optimal therapy results, it is important that OMM is offered by an experienced osteopathic who has extensive training, practice and expertise in this domain.

Benefits of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Here are the top benefits of OMM:

  1. It is a non-invasive and natural pain relief technique. This means that there is no long recovery time, like in surgical treatments.
  2. Patients get relief from the pain by simple and gentle movement of the tissues and joints. The osteopathic physician corrects restrictions in your motion range by applying light pressure, stretching and resistance. The treatment helps improve the flow of blood, relax the muscles, and free joints that are not moving properly, hence resulting in the restoration of normal range of motion.
  3. This therapy enables you to better engage in normal day to day activities without feeling pain in the body. Simply stated, it allows you to enjoy quality living without any limitation by relieving tight muscles and reducing joint pain and stress.

For more information on this topic, quick diagnosis and quality pain management treatments, get in touch with us. Health Solutions is one of the leading pain management clinics in Illinois. Call on +1.7088029355 to schedule your appointment.

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