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Am I Too Young for Menopause?

Am I Too Young for Menopause?

Are you too young for menopause? Early menopause can be confusing and concerning. However, the fact is that some women experience menopause as early as ages 40-45. This natural stage in a woman’s life demands compassionate and experienced guidance and even professional treatment. 

Health Solutions, with locations in Tinley Park, Rockford, Olympia Fields, Illinois, and Munster, Indiana, has board-certified family medicine practitioners who provide preventive care and treatment for various women’s health concerns, including menopause. 

If you are experiencing signs of early menopause, here is some helpful information on the signs to look for, the causes of early menopause, and what it means for you. 

What is menopause?

Menopause is a stage in life when a woman can no longer get pregnant. Most women go through natural menopause in their early 50s. Premature menopause can happen before age 40, and early menopause generally starts before age 45. The signs of menopause often include: 

Irregular periods

In the early stages of menopause, one of the initial signs to look for is irregular menstrual cycles. During this time, periods may vary in flow, becoming lighter, heavier, or less frequent. These changes can make it difficult to predict menstrual patterns.

Hot flashes and night sweats

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of excessive warmth that often cause inconvenient sweating. They can suddenly appear day or night and frequently disrupt daily activities, plans, comfort, and sleep patterns.  

Vaginal dryness

Menopause causes lower estrogen levels, which can lead to vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and other discomfort. You may also experience more urinary tract issues and vaginal infections. 

Mood changes

Hormonal changes due to menopause can cause serious emotional fluctuations like irritability, mood changes, and even depression. These can affect your relationships and overall mental health.

Decreased libido

Reduced or nonexistent sexual desire can also result from menopausal hormone fluctuations. 

Cognitive changes

Many menopausal women claim difficulty remembering things or concentrating on tasks, seriously impacting their work or other daily tasks. 

What causes early menopause?

Early menopause can occur naturally or due to lifestyle choices or treatments. Sometimes, it is unavoidable. Here are the most common causes of early onset menopause. 


The age at which a woman undergoes menopause can be influenced by her family history. If a woman's mother or sister had early menopause, she may have a higher risk of experiencing it. Turner syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, or other genetic abnormalities can also trigger early menopause. 

Autoimmune disorders

Disorders that cause your immune system to attack your body can impact the ovaries and trigger early menopause. These conditions include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes, Addison’s disease, and Crohn’s disease. 

Medical treatments

Some medical treatments can damage female tissues and cause a loss of function. These can include cancer treatments, chemotherapy, certain hormone treatments, and radiation therapy. Surgical removal of the ovaries often triggers early menopause. 

Lifestyle factors

Your lifestyle can influence early menopause. Too much alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, or being underweight can increase your risk due to the negative impact on your health. 

What can I expect from early menopause?

Menopause causes numerous changes in your body that affect your overall health. These can include: 


Our board-certified Health Solutions practitioners offer guidance, health evaluations, and more to help you cope with early menopause. We work with you to develop a health management and treatment plan that addresses your needs and symptoms. 

Can I manage early menopause?

Managing early menopause for a better life is possible. Our women’s health specialists take a comprehensive approach to addressing the various health challenges you experience. We address dietary changes, exercise recommendations, lifestyle changes, and other measures to help regulate hormones and other critical health levels. 

We may also recommend hormone therapy to help manage symptoms and reduce cardiovascular and other health risks. You will benefit from an individualized plan to address every aspect of your health. Our goal at Health Solutions is your total wellness. 

Get Help with early menopause

If you suspect the onset of early menopause, get the medical advice and care you need. Many women like you successfully manage this transition and live vibrant and fulfilling lives. You can, too. Contact the nearest Health Solutions office to schedule an exam and consultation. You can also book an appointment online for your convenience.

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